The scariest list of supernatural places ever!
Are you scared of the unspeakable and invisible? Well we got a list of the world’s most scary and supernatural places. These places are notorious for their paranormal activities:
- Superstition Mountains – East of Phoenix, Arizona

As per the tale, a German refugee named Jacob Walts found a gold mine in the mountains but did not talk about the location of that mine with anybody till his last breath. He revealed the location to Julia Thomas in 1891, a boarding house owner who took care of him for several years. But, the mine has never been found. It is supposed that the mine is sheltered by creatures known as Tuar-Tums (“Little People”) that exist underneath the mountains in caves. It is also said that the door to hell is these superstitious mountains. The myths and folklore of the Superstition Mountains can be acknowledged at the Superstition Mountain Museum on the Apache Trail where the history of the Lost Dutchman is on demonstration.
- Island of the Dolls – Xochimilco, Mexico

The Island of the Dolls is undoubtedly one of the most ghostly places one could ever get along with. This is situated at Xochimilco, Mexico and belonged to a man named Julian Santan Barrera. Julian was ignorant of the mysterious past of the region when he moved there to be a loner leaving his family behind. Tales state that three little girls were playing close to the water in the island, when one of the girls fell down in the dark water to death. Locals said that since her demise, the soul wasn’t able to leave the island. It rapidly rose as a haunted place and people wouldn’t go close to it at dark. Julian stated that when he went to the island, a girl started communicating to him. The girl said to Julian her story of death. Soon he started getting the dolls for this little girl to please her. He this by selling fruits and vegetables that he had grown on the island so that he can purchase dolls for her. Julian afterwards informed his nephew that it was becoming tough day by day to quiet down the spirit’s desire for dolls. She now wants him to come along with in her water grave. Unfortunately, the day he had this conversation, his nephew found his uncle near the canal. His corpse was in the same place where the little girl had died seventy years ago. Today, tourists frequently feel the doll’s eyes following them.
- The White House – Washington D.C., USA

Possibly the world’s most well-known home and office of the President of the United States, it has been the authorized house of every president since 1800. It’s considered to be one of the most haunted houses in the whole of the United States. Former presidents, their relatives and white house staff have all confirmed the mystic incidences going on at the White House. Once, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Winston Churchill, was residing in the Lincolns’ Bedroom. He had just done with bathing and came naked to the bedroom where he saw Lincoln standing near the fireplace. He declined to stay in that room after that. Further, people that have supposed to see the ghost of Abraham Lincoln includes presidents namely Teddy Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover, and Dwight Eisenhower; presidential children Susan Ford and Maureen Reagan; and First Ladies Jacquie Kennedy and Ladybird Johnson. Maureen and her husband both observed Lincoln standing by the same fireplace where Churchill had once saw him. Apart from this, white house is surrounded by numerous ghost stories, such as the ghost of Abigail Adams has been seen hovering all around the East Room arms out stretched. It appears that this is the room where she used to hang her laundry. President Andrew Jackson is assumed to haunt the Rose room; several White House employees allegedly heard his vigorous laughter. Various other ghosts have also been seen such as ex-employees, Presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Tyler; First Lady Dolley Madison; a British soldier; and Anne Surratt. There are often unexpected cold spots, intangible footsteps, voices, knock, and screams heard in the corridors!
- The Bhangarh Fort, India

The scariest place in India is Bhangarh Fort situated in Rajasthan. The fort was constructed in 1573 and contains a show of devastation of several holy places, forts, and small villages today. As per locals, the fort became cursed when a magician started loving the princess of Bhangarh. Owing to his dexterity in black magic, he attempted to attract the princess with a bowl of magical oil. But, all gone in vain as it didn’t work. She figured out his conspiracy and tossed the bowl to a huge rock. The rock started rolling and it moved exactly in the way of the magician. As and when the magician came under the rock, he cursed the city right before his death, saying that it would be ruined and happen to be uninhabitable. After this, the town was attacked and destroyed. Everyone was killed, not a single person left alive. The magician’s curse left the fort inhabitable till today. The spirits of the killed villagers still continue to haunt the fort. The department of Archaeological Survey of India, which administers the place, doesn’t allow anyone to stay at the fort after dark.
- Screaming Tunnel – Niagara Falls, Ontario

This place is for those daring souls who have courageous spirit. This is situated underneath the railway track that bonds Niagara Falls to Toronto and New York. In accordance to a local tale, near about a century back, there was a farm house situated close to the south entrance of this tunnel. One night the farm house caught fire and a young girl covered in fire was screaming for the help. She ran all the way to the tunnel to get some help but unfortunately she was burnt entirely and collapsed. No one knows how the farm house caught fire. From that day onwards, whoever tried illuminating even a small fire in the tunnel, the evil wandering soul comes out screaming and haunting the person till death.