Shifting cities is exciting and scary and many people have millions of thoughts when it is finally time to step out of the home and start living alone. When you are done with all the planning, budgeting and making sure everything is in place, it just hits you all of a sudden that you would be starting a new life.

Relatable? here are some common things that we all think of when we are ready to leave home and are on the brink of starting a new chapter of life.
- You start to imagine when will you be able to come back home and spend time with your family, even before leaving.
- You realise how much your responsibilities would increase and the times you undervalued the contribution of each family member in your daily tasks.
- The food options and the cuisine is going to be so different from what you find in your hometown and it would be a while before your tastebuds can adjust.
- You realise that you will have to come out of your comfort zone and have to step up for yourself as you would have a number of things to look after.
- You realise that you won’t be able to spend as much time with your siblings and the late night Maggi sessions will be missed.
- You will have to take care of the expenses yourself and understand money management (something that your father has been telling you to learn since a long time).
- You may lose touch with friends in your hometown and won’t see them as often as you did.
Here are some things that cross our minds. Remember to be patient with yourself as things will fall into place as you start to get used to this change.