If you are someone who has always been fascinated by ghosts and spirits and like to binge-watch horror movies then we have something interesting for you. Stay in Rhode Island Farmhouse, the real inspiration behind The Conjuring franchise. One of the scariest places in the world, this farmhouse is currently home to paranormal investigators, they will be happy to give you a room and take you on ghost hunting. Check out the details below
It is the real-life Conjuring house of the 18th-century where seven children have died over the years. In the year 1971, the Perron family moved into the 14-room farmhouse to witness some horrific events. If you want to know the events, watch The Conjuring.

From doors opening, sounds of footsteps, beds shaking at exactly 5:15 am every day to the weird smell of rotten fish. Residents of the house have died from murder, drowning, and hanging. This house is believed to be haunted by an angry spirit, Bathsheba, who perceived herself to be the mistress of the house. The woman lived on this property in the 1800s and practiced witchcraft.
Now, the Rhode Island Farmhouse or the real-life Conjuring house is now owned by a ghost hunter family. The owner Cory Heinzen is a paranormal investigator with 10 years of experience. Cory Heinzen, his wife Jennifer, and their children Madison and Kyler have all been involved in numerous local paranormal investigations.
Interestingly they have also started an Instagram page for the house. Their daughter, Madison with 1 million followers on TikTik also shares her spine-chilling experiences in the house. She once saw a ghostly figure of a woman wearing a wedding dress, walked past her, and experienced the iconic ‘hide and clap scene’ from The Conjuring in the Rhode Island Farmhouse.

If you have the guts to experience all this then, you can also live in this real-life Conjuring house. The Heinzen family has opened their house to the public. Rates for an overnight stay is $125( ₹9307 ) per person and $750(₹55,845 ) for six people on Fridays and Saturdays.

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