Since a long time our country is facing issues of pollution, no doubt many efforts have been made to make sure that the condition improves but it does not match the expectations ever. Recently a café in Chhattisgarh has solved both the problem of pollution and poverty by taking an amazing initiative for homeless people.

Instead of picking up waste and selling them they have asked the garbage pickers to give them the plastic material and eat a good meal in return.
In this way, people will be keener to collect waste and also get good food to eat. The ones who will fetch 1 kg of plastic waste will be offered a full meal while those collecting 500 grams of waste will get a substantial breakfast.
The cafe will operate from the city’s main bus stand, said Mayor Ajay Tirkey who presented the city’s municipal budget.
Ambikapur is the place chosen for this scheme and they use this waste for construction work. Earlier too they had constructed a road with 8 lakh plastic bags as there is no harm in it because the water does permeate through it.
Not only this, Ambikapur is the second-largest city in the country in the ‘Sanitation Campaign’ and has already restricted the use of plastic carry bags.
They have also made stupendous progress in making their place under the top civic administered town in solid waste management. Isn’t this great and inspirational for all of us?