The best time to take action is now and with depleting resources, we all should be mindful of our habits. You must have seen wrappers and waste collected near trekking and camping sites. This brings us to a sad realisation that people do not care about the impact of their habits and this is why it is time to be a part of the change.
If you love to go out camping and don’t wish to contribute to environmental pollution, you can learn sustainable methods. This is what you can do and things you can take care of.

Learn to sort your waste out
One of the simplest yet least practised ways to keep things around us clean is by learning to sort the waste out. If you are carrying packaged things then make sure you have different bags to sort them out. Keep another bag separate for things that can be recycled.
Bring ingredients with you instead of snacks
To reduce the amount of waste generated, it is better to cook your own food. Carry the ingredients in bulk to produce minimum waste. You can even take the leftovers back if they aren’t utilised fully.
Rent your gear instead of buying new ones
If you love camping but are unable to plan it more than a few times a year, it is best to rent out the tents and other gear. This will not only save you money but also is a great way to make most of the things that already exist.
Use less products with water pollutants
It is only natural to use the closest water stream but the products you may be using could possibly have to chemicals that are harmful to aquatic animals. Make sure you do not wash them off in those water bodies.
Use reusable things
Essentials like water bottles, packaging and other stuff should be reusable (instead of one-time use) as they will minimise the waste produced during your trip.
Here are some ways to make your camping sustainable. Remember, all or nothing is not the way to go about saving the environment. Do what seems realistic instead of doing nothing at all.