People loved to grab a quick bite at the airports on their way to places but since the pandemic, things have changed. It is important to make conscious decisions to make sure you don’t expose yourself to the risk of contracting coronavirus and for that, it is best to avoid purchasing food items from the airport. If your journey isn’t that long then you can definitely carry some snacks to fill yourself up at the airport. Here are some food items that you can carry if you are traveling.

The one thing that every traveler misses is the freshly brewed coffees served at the different counters at airports. Try carrying a Tumblr filled with coffee to the airport instead of getting one from the food court.
There are many easy sandwich recipes that you can try and carry with yourself instead of buying some at the airport
Carrying chips from home will give you some satisfaction as you will know that no one has touched it except for you. Carry it in a zip lock bag and throw the wrapper away.
Trail mix
Carry a handful of mixed nuts as they will keep you full during your journey.
Carrying nutritious snacks like fruits will help you stick to eating healthy and will even keep your immunity strong.