Check out the details about the train from Delhi to Leh:
The distance between Delhi to Leh is 1229 Kms and have you ever imagined covering this distance through a train? Now you will be able to travel from Delhi to Leh by train. This would be the highest rail route in the world, adding one more gem in India’s crown. It will be a huge project, the estimated cost will be INR 83,360 crores. Also, travelers will be able to take a train right till Leh rather than Jammu now. Check out more details about it below:
Duration of journey:
This train will let you reach Leh from Delhi via train in 20 hours as compared to the current duration of 40 hours.

The Delhi to Ladakh train route will pass through some of the major places. The train route will have destinations including Sundernagar, Mandi, Manali, Keylong, Koksar, Darcha, Upshi and Karu en route. It is said that most of the route will be covered via tunnels. There will be a total of 30 train stations on the route.
The train route from Delhi to Leh will go through a humongous 74 tunnels, 124 bridges, and an additional 396 smaller bridges

Project cost?
While covering 465 Km the proposed railway line will be built at a cost of INR 83,360 crores. The very first location survey is fixed at around INR 400+ lakhs
Highest railway station?

This route will have the country’s highest railway station, Keylong and it will be one of the highest train routes in the world as well. Right now, China’s Oingzang Railway station is the highest rail line in the world. The maximum altitude on this route will be 16,627 ft.
Mr. Alok Kumar, Chief Administrative Office of Northern Railway, said: The proposed project is one of the most difficult ones for IRCTC till date. One look at the imposing mountains on the route, and there is no denying the formidable challenges the construction process will have to bear with.
We are sure this route is going to be a spectacular and beautiful one. Get ready to have a lifetime experience and keep your cameras ready.